Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Almond flour crepes (low carb)

Almond Flour Crepe with Ricotta and Cheese Sauce
1/4 cup of Almond Flour
2 egg white or 1 whole egg
a bit of almond milk

(for top and filling)
1/3 cup of almond milk
1/2 cup of mushrooms
2 TBS of green beans or spinach (cut small)
1 TBS of minced onion
1 garlic clove minced
1/4 cup of your favorite cheeses (I used Asiago and Gorgonzola)
1/4 cup of Ricotta Cheese
1/2 cup of green beans or spinach


Mix the egg and flour and add the milk little by little until it's thick but less thicker than regular pancakes. 
Spray the pan with a little of oil, when hot pour the mix and cover the whole bottom with circular movements. When it dries all around the edge it's time to turn it around, leave it for a minute or two (golden color).

Brown the mushrooms until they are golden brown, add the onion and garlic until they are golden. Add the rest of ingredients and let it get to boil if it is too watery you can let it be in the heat for a while or add 1 tsp of cornstarch or flour.

Final Touches

Cover the whole crepe with ricotta cheese, then cover half or the whole crepe with your vegetable, cover half with the sauce, fold it in half, and top it with the rest of the sauce. You can side it with a tomato, small salad or saute zucchini. Now sit and enjoy a healthy low carb meal!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chicken Parmesan with Vegetables and Cream Sauce

Chicken Parmesan

3 Chicken breast
2 low carb slices of bread
1 egg
spices (garlic, parsley, basil, oregano, sea salt)

4 pieces of fresh garlic
3 Zuchinni sliced *different colors
1 orange pepper sliced
1 1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms

1 cup of cream
1/4 cup of almond milk
1/4 cup of parmessan cheese
basil, pepper and salt

First toast the bread and then grind it in the food processor, place in a bowl and add your favorite spices. Sliced each chicken breast in 3 pieces. deep it in the egg and then cover them with the bread crumb mix. To cook you can deep fry them or cook them in the oven at 400 for about 30 minutes.
While the chicken is cooking saute your vegetables in a wok, just to make them tender but not soft.
Put all the ingredients for the sauce in a microwave safe container and warm it up in your microwave, one minute at the time.
When the chicken is ready, serve the vegetables on the bottom, one place of chicken in the middle, and pour a little of sauce on the chicken and vegetables. To finish put some fresh parmesan cheese, now Enjoy!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

low carb pizza

Some of you know,I lost some weight and now it's the hard part, keep it off!! So I have been researching about food that it's low carb but natural :). Yesterday I found a blog that talked about a cauliflower pizza crust, I know!! I thought the same but I was willing to try it.
I changed a little the ingredients because I didn't have the exact ingredients and it turned out really good.

1 head of brocoflower almost 3 cups (I think it will better with regular Cauliflower )
3 eggs
2 cups of Colby cheese (Monterrey Jack or Mozzarella could be yummy too)
4 garlic gloves chopped and grilled
Spices rosemary, basil

First pizza
Bacon bites
Grilled Onions
Second Pizza
Fresh Spinach
Fresh Mozzarella
Fresh tomatoes
Third pizza
Blue cheese
Buffalo wings sauce

Wash and cut the florets off the brocoflower and then pulse it in the food processor not too long so it is not puree. Then cook it in the microwave for 8 minutes. In the blog I read it said 20 minutes at 400 F and 20 minutes at 350 F for my taste it was like an hour at 400.
After is cook let it cool down a little bit and then mix all the ingredients, I put aluminium foil for less clean up, spray a lot of Pam and cover the bottom of the pan and press it down a bit, then put it in the oven for 40 minutes at 400 F (check it during that time) when it's golden brown (I like mine brown) take it out and put toppings like cooked meats, vegetables, different cheeses, etc. And place in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Father's day Breakfast / Desayuno para el Dia del Padre


Potatoes Nest
6 serving
3 Cups of shredded potatoes
2/3 Cup Oil or melted butter
Salt, Pepper

Mix all the ingredients and put 1/3 of the mix on a muffin mold, press the mixture to the bottom and sides. Preheat the oven at 350 degrees; put them in the oven for 40 minutes or until brown. Let them cool down before you take them out

Eggs with Ham or Bacon

6 eggs
¼ cup of cream or milk
1 cup of cut ham or bacon

Brown the ham or bacon in a pan with a little of Non-stick Spray. Take the ham or bacon out of the heat. Put the eggs in the pan and add the ham or bacon when the eggs are still runny. Cook them to preference. Then Fill the potatoes nest with the eggs.

Crepes with Mocha filing
6 servings
1 ½ Cups of flour
3 eggs or 4 egg whites
½ cup of milk
3 TBS of oil
Mix all the ingredients, the mixture should be creamy but not thick, heat a medium size pan, spray it with non stick spray, pour about 1/3 cup and move it in a circular movement to cover the whole pan. When the sides of the crepe dry it’s time to turn them, cook them for a minute. Put it on a plate and spread the mocha filling, then roll it up.
1 cup of chocolate chips
½ stick of butter
1/2 tsp of instant coffee (Optional)
Orange peel (optional)

Melt the chocolate over a pot of water, make sure no water gets in the chocolate because it won’t melt, when the chocolate is soft add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Take it out of the heat and you are ready for crepes, cupcakes or big cakes!
For side you could add a small fruit salad with berries or if you preferred vegetables Julianne style with butter

Desayuno para el día del Padre

Nidos de papas

3 tazas de papas ralladas
¼ taza de aceite o mantequilla derretida
Sal y Pimienta

Mezclar todos los ingredientes, pone 1/3 de taza en cada molde individual, apretar contra el fondo y los lados. Precalentar el horno a 350 grados y poner a cocinar por 40 minutos o hasta que estén doradas. Dejar enfriar antes de sacar de los moldes.

Huevos con jamón o Tocino

6 huevos
¼ de taza de crema o leche
¾ de taza de jamón o tocino picado


Dorar el jamón o tocino, sacar del fuego. Poner los huevos y la leche, cuando los huevos estén casi cocinados agregar el jamón o tocino, y cocinar a gusto. Rellenar los nidos y a comer

Panqueques rellenos con Crema Mocha
1 ½ taza de harina
3 huevos o 4 claras
½ taza de leche
3 cucharadas de Aceite

Mezclar todos los ingredientes, el batido masa debe ser cremoso pero no muy grueso. Calentar un sartén mediano y rociarlo con aceite, poner 1/3 de taza de batido y con un movimiento circular cubrir todo el sartén. Cuando los lados del crepe estén secos hay que darlo vuelta y dejarlos por un minuto. Sacarlo y rellenarlo.


1 taza de chocolate molido
¼ taza de mantequilla
½ cucharadita de café instantáneo
Ralladura de naranja

Derretir el chocolate a baño María, cuando este blando agregar el resto de los ingredientes y mezclar bien. Cuando este suave sacar del fuego y ya esta listo para rellenar panqueques o tortas. De acompanamiento puede ser verduras Julianne o ensalada de fruta

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Recipe for Apple Strudel Pie (English and Spanish)

Apple Strudel Pie

2 TBS of Oat flour
1 TBS of grounded almonds
½ TBS of butter
½ tsp of egg white
 1 tsp of sugar
½ Apple thin sliced
1 1/2 tsp of sugar
1 tsp of chopped almonds or walnuts
1 tsp of raisins
1 tsp of butter
1 tsp of bread crumbs

Mix all the crust ingredients make them in a ball and tightened in between your hand, spray the cupcake mold with non stick and press the batter to the bottom.
Slice the apple. Mix sugar, cinnamon almonds and raisins. Put the butter on a pot and add the bread crumbs until browned. Put a layer of apples, then bread and last the sugar mix and, repeat. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. 

Strudel de Manzana Mini Pie
2 Cucharadas de harina de avena (se puede poner 1 taza de avena en la licuadora hasta que este polvo)
1 Cucharada de almendras molidas
 1 cucharada de mantequilla
 ½ cucharadita de clara de huevo
 1 cucharadita de azúcar
½ manzana cortada en cuadritos muy chicos
1 Cucharada de azúcar
1 cucharadita de almendras o nueces picadas
1 cucharada de pasas
Canela, jugo de limón
1 cucharada de pan rallado
1 Cucharadita de mantequilla

Mezcle todos los ingredientes para la masa, los hacen en forma de pelota y la aprietan entre su mano, rocían el molde individual con un poco de aceite y presionan la masa al fondo.
Mezclen el azúcar, la canela, las almendras y las pasas. Pongan el jugo de limón sobre las manzanas para que no se pongan negras. En una olla poner la mantequilla a calentar, agregar el pan y dejarlo hasta que este dorado. Poner una capa de manzanas, una capa de pan y una capa de la mezcla de azúcar, y repetir. Hornear por 25 minutos a 350 grados.

Recipe for Mini Burgers and Berry Muffins (English and Spanish)

Mini Burgers

1 serving

2oz of ground beef or turkey 7% fat or less
Grilled small chopped onions and garlic
Fresh cilantro or parsley
1 TBS of Bread crumbs
1 tsp of egg white
2 burger buns
1 slice of cheese
Tomato, lettuce, pickles, ketchup, mayo, mustard


Place the meat in a bowl mix it with the onions & garlic, cilantro or parsley, and any spices you like. Now add the egg and breadcrumbs and mix well, divide in 2, make little balls and tighten them on the palm of your hand to shape them as burgers. Put them on the grill flip them add the cheese and put the lid until cooked. Condiment the way you like it and
yum yum lets eat!

Berry Muffins

¼ cup of flour
1 TBS of butter
1 TBS of milk
1 TBS of egg white
1 ½ TBS of sugar
2 diced strawberries
Decoration 2 strawberries slices
3 blueberries

Mix the first 4 ingredients, add 1 TBS of sugar. Then fold in the diced strawberries. Put the batter in the muffin mold, decorate with the sliced strawberries and the blue berries in the center, sprinkle it with the left over sugar. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 425 degrees.

Mini hamburguesas

 1 porción

2oz de carne molida da vaca o pavo menos de 7% de grasa
Cebolla y ajo cortados chiquitos y dorados
Cilantro o perejil fresco
 1 Cucharada de pan rallado
1 cucharadita  de clara de huevo
2 panes para hamburguesa
1 rebanada de queso Tomate, lechuga, Ketchup, Mayo, mostaza

Coloque la carne en una plato hondo agregue  la cebolla, ajo, cilantro o perejil, y otras  especias que usted le gusten. Ahora agregue el huevo y el pan rallado mezcle bien, divídalo en 2, haga dos pequeñas bolas y apriételas en la palma de su mano para formarlas como hamburguesas. Póngalas en la parrilla agregan, cuando las de vuelta agregue  el queso y cocinar a su preferencia. Condimentar a su gusto y…..
Mmmmmm a comer!

Quequitos o Budín de fresas

 ¼ de taza de harina
1/8 cucharadita de polvos de hornear
1 Cucharada de mantequilla
 1 Cucharada de leche
1 Cucharada de clara de huevo
 1 ½ Cucharada de azúcar
 2 frutillas cortadas en cuadritos
 Decoración 2 frutillas rebanadas y 3 arándanos

 Mezcle los primeros 4 ingredientes, agregue 1 Cucharada de azúcar. Mezclar suavemente las frutillas en cuadraditos. Ponga la masa en el molde individual, adórnelo con las fresas rebanadas y los arándonos en el centro, lo espolvorean con el resto de azúcar. Poner en el horno por 20 minutos a 425 grados.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

chicken fingers and strawberry pie for children (english and spanish)

Chicken Fingers

1 Serving


1 thigh or ½ chicken breast
2 TBS eggbeaters or 1 egg white
¼ cup Breadcrumbs
At least 6 Spices and salt
Ketchup, Ranch or any dipping sauce you like

*First cut the fat off the chicken, cut it in pieces.
*Get a few spices out, smell them if you like they add some to the breadcrumbs, add the salt and mixed well.
*Dip a piece of chicken in the egg and then roll it in the breadcrumbs. *Place them on a piece of aluminum foil with non stick spray.
 *Heat the oven at 350 degrees and put the chicken in the oven for 25 minutes.
Serve with your favorite sauce.

Strawberry Pie

¼ cup of flour
1 ½ TBS of butter
Little bit of salt

3 strawberries
½ tsp of sugar

Mix the salt and flour, add butter, and add water or flour as needed until it doesn’t stick to your hands. Wrap it in plastic and put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes.
Then make it in a circular shape a put in a cupcake mold.
Cut the strawberries very small and put them on the crust, sprinkle them with sugar.
Put in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Dedos del pollo

 1 porción


1 pata de pollo o ½ pechuga de pollo
1 clara de huevo
¼ de taza de Pan rallado
Por lo menos 6 condimentos o alinos, sal a gusto
Ketchup. BBQ o cualquier salsa que le guste.

*Primero corte la grasa del pollo, y lo corta en pedazos.
*Saque algunas condimentos o alinos, los huele si te gustan las agregas al pan rallado, agrega la sal y mezclarlo bien.
*pasar un pedazo de pollo por el huevo y despues por el pan, que quede completamente cubierto.
*Ponerlos en un pedazo de papel de aluminio con aceite de aerosol.
 *Calentar el horno a 350 grados y poner el pollo por 25 minutos.
Servirlo con su salsa preferida.

Pie de Frutilla


¼ taza de harina
 1 ½ TBS de mantequilla
Pizca de sal


 3 frutillas
½ cucharadita de azúcar
Mezcle la sal y la harina, agregue la mantequilla, y agregue agua o harina si es necesario para que no se pegue a sus manos. Envuélvala en plástico y póngala en el congelador por cerca de 10 minutos.
Entonces amasarla en forma circular in poner en un molde individual. Corte las frutillas pequeñas y póngalas en la masa, espolvorearlas con el azúcar. Ponga en el horno en 350 grados por 20 minutos

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bianca's kitchen

Recipes for the first cooking class (english & spanish)

Well the class started and it has been super fun! but I didn't get to take many pictures but I'll be posting the few I took soon. I just wanted to share the recipe with all of you that have support me in this new adventure!, I can tell you that I feel very happy and lucky to be able to spend time doing what I love with such an amazing group of kids!

Stuffed Chicken with Ricotta and Vegetable

The recipe is for 1 person


1 chicken thigh or breast
2 TBS of low fat Ricotta Cheese
1 TBS of cheese
3 TBS of your favorite vegetable chopped or puree (spinach, broccoli, peas, or corn)
1 TBS of butter or olive oil
Thyme, Rosemary and, salt

First start by taking all the fat of the chicken; wrap it with plastic and hit the chicken gently with a meat tenderizer until it’s all the same thickness.
Lay it flat on a plate and put a layer of Ricotta cheese then sprinkle the spices, now put a layer of your vegetable and sprinkle the cheese on top.
Now we have to roll it very gently, when we have rolled it all the way we’ll close it with 3 toothpicks (one on each side and one in the middle.)
Put the pan on the fire until it’s really hot; put the chicken until its golden brown all around. Now wrap the chicken in aluminum foil and place it in the oven for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.


½ Zucchini
½ carrots (big)
1 tsp of butter

While the chicken is in the oven, cut the zucchini and carrots in thin sticks then put them in a piece of aluminum foil, top them with  butter, closet it and put it in the oven with the chicken, 7 minutes before the chicken will be done.

Crepe with banana and chocolate

¼ cup of flour
¼ cup of milk
2 TBS of egg beater or 1/2 egg
 1 tsp of oil
½ banana
1 TB of melted chocolate chips

Mixed the first 3 ingredients until they are smooth. Then melt the chocolate in the micro way or simmer with water. Slice the banana, not to thick. Put the pan on the fire at a medium temperature, spray with non stick, put the  mix and move the pan in circular movement to coat the whole pan when it’s solid on top flip it over, put the bananas on the crepe so they can get a little warm, drizzle the chocolate and roll it. Voila!!!!

 Finalmente las clases empezaron y han sido fantasticas pero no pude saar muchas fotos, pondre las que pude sacar. Quize compartir las recetas on ustedes que me han apollado en esta nueva aventura! les puedo asegurar que me estoy muy feliz y me tengo mucha suerte de podder hacer estas clases y tener un grupo de ninios tan fabulosos!

Pollo relleno con Ricotta y verduras

1 pata de pollo corto o ½ pechuga
 2 TBS del queso Ricotta bajo en grasas
 1 TBS del queso rallado
 3 TBS de su verdura preferida cortado muy finito o como puré (espinaca, bróculi,  o choclo)
1 TBS de la mantequilla o de aceite de oliva (1/2 para la olla y ½ para el horno)
 Tomillo,  Ajo, albaca, romero y, sal

Primero hay que sacar toda la grasa del pollo; envuélvalo en plástico y golpee el pollo suavemente con un ablandador de carne hasta que sea todo del mismo grosor. Póngalo plano en un plato y ponga una capa de queso de Ricotta después poner las especies y sal a gusto, ahora ponga una capa de su verduras y al final el queso encima. Ahora tenemos que enrollar con cuidado, cuando la hemos rodado hasta el final la cerraremos con mondadientes (uno en cada lado y uno en el centro.) Ponga la olla en el fuego hasta que este  realmente caliente; ponga el pollo hasta que este dorado. Ahora envuelva el pollo en papel de aluminio ponga ½ cucharadita de mantequilla y coloqúelo en el horno por 25 minutos en 350 grados.


½ Zapallito Italiano
 ½ zanahorias ( de las grandes o una chica)
 1 tsp de mantequilla
 Mientras el pollo está en el horno, corte el el zapallito y zanahorias en palillos finos, ponerlos en un pedazo de papel de aluminio, poner la mantequilla y la sal encima de las verduras, cerrarlo completamente y los ponen en el horno con el pollo, por 7 minutos.

Crepe con plátano y chocolate
¼ taza de harina
 ¼ taza de leche 2
½ huevo o solo la clara
½ cucharadita de aceite
 ½ plátano
1 TB de chocolate molido o rallado

 Mezcló los primeros 4 ingredientes por dos minutos. Rebane el plátano. Ponga el sarten en el fuego en una temperatura media, rocíe con non stick spray, ponga la mezcla y mueva el sarten con movimiento circular para cubrir toda la parte de abajo cuando se despega de los costados es tiempo de darlos vuelta, poner el chocolate y los pedazos de plátano en el crepe,  dejarlo un minuto y sacar del fuego, enrollar y comer!