Sunday, April 24, 2011

let's P A R T Y!!!!!

It was a Great Easter Day!

Thanks to it was really easy to put some color to the party, it's so nice to see how a few fun decorations make the kids burst with happiness. I always try to buy colors that I can reuse so it's more affordable to have little energy bust "Parties"

We made some colorful pine cones for the center piece, just that kept my daughter entertain for 1 hour :o), and it was earth day so it was perfect!

We made some fresh lemonade with mint leaves and orange colorant to make it pop!, strawberries with chocolate, and a little basket cupcakes! it was a small super cute party! the kids had their egg hunt and played for hours with their goodies!

when the sugar kicked in we had 4 super happy kids! the next picture it's my proof that sugar works! 
 Laugh everyday!!!!


a nice side of Veggies!

1 cup of fresh green beans
1/2 cup of red onions
1/2 cup of green bell pepper
1 Roma tomato
1 1/2 cup of fresh spinach chopped
olive oil 
thyme (dry)
2 tablespoons of blue cheese
First chopped everything in small pieces (not too small). Then brown the onions and bell pepper in the olive oil, add the green beans, cover the pot for 3 minutes. Add the spices and tomato and spinach after 2 minutes take it off the heat add the blue cheese mix and serve on wedges of red cabbage. Enjoy!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

a pasarlo bien!

Organiza una linda reunion en MINUTOS

Esto es lo que hago! cuando veo algo lindo, colorido y en oferta se viene conmigo :o), asi cuando quiero hacer una reunion o te para ninios o adultos, no tengo que salir corriendo al supermercado. Y la comida tampoco te deberia llevar todo el dia! MEDIO CASERO es perfecto!

El Fin de semana pasado invitamos a algunos amigos a tomar el "te", me fui al resfrigerador y saque un monton de cositas.
Pillsbury pancitos o se puese usar masa de pizza agregarle mantequilla a la masa.
2 huevos
1/2 taza de crema
1 taza de queso
jamon cortado
salame cortado
brocoli cortado chico
Hicimos Quiche o mini pies de jamon con queso, salame con queso, y brocoli con queso. Usamos los moldes para mini queques. Despues de poner la masa y rellenarlosm los cocinamos por 15 minutos, mmmmmmm estaban tan ricos que se terminaron antes de poder sacar una foto!:o)

Para los que les gusta lo dulce hicimos croissants rellenos con chocolate o con mermelada. Mi ayudante hizo los croissant de chocolate! pero creo que la mitad del chocolate desa[arecio en el proceso asi que tube que ir a controlar jajaja.

Hicimos Pillsbury Croissant, cortamos peazos de chocolate Dove y los enrollamos! A otros le pusimos mermelada y los enrollamos quedaron para chuparse los dedos!
Tambien hicimos canapes de queso crema, albaca fresca y tomate! mmmm que rico!!

Que clase de fiesta seria sin decoraciones, tenia unas bombillas desde hace meses que compre en Home Goods, la lampara china en el 99 centavos, y el adorno de la mesa era de los adornos de San Valentine, le saque los corazones, le puse cintas de colores y un molino de viento! 

preparar una fiestita o reunion linda no te deberia llevar todo el dia!

pasenlo bien!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

party time in one hour!!!!

Make a Fun and Beautiful party in MINUTES

This is what I do, every time I see something cute, colorful and on sale it's going home with me!!!!  so when I decide to have a tea party I don't have to RUN to the store. And the food shouldn't take you the whole day either, half home made it's just fine!

Last weekend we invited a few friends for "Tea Time", I went to my fridge and got what we had.
Pillsbury  biscuits
2 eggs
1/2 cup of cream
1 cup of cheese
ham diced
salame diced
broccoli cut in small pieces.

We made mini quiches, ham and cheese, salame and cheese, broccoli and cheese. get the biscuits put them on flour and pressed them down then put them on the mini cupcake pan. fill them up and put them in the oven for about 15 minutes, yummmmmm they were so good I didn't have time to take pictures :o)

For the sweet tooth we made mini Chocolate croissants and strawberry jam croissants. My sous chef was in charge of the chocolate! I think some pieces went missing in the process :o) so I was double checking LOL.

 We got Pillsbury Croissant, cut pieces of Dove Chocolate and rolled them up! we also brushed about 12 with jam and rolled them up. they turned out delicious!
We also made mini sandwiches with cream cheese, fresh basil and tomato, soooo goooddd!!!

And what kind of party if it didn't have decorations, the straws I got on Home Goods, The lantern was from the 99 cents store and the center piece was from the valentine party I just took out the hearts and added a Pinwheel!

Having a cute little party doesn't have to take you the whole day!

share the love!


queque o budin para Pascuas

                                         Mini queques rellenos para Pascuas

Queque o Budin
Sorry pero hice trampa y use uno de caja!

Crema para relleno
2 tazas de leche
1 cucharadita de vainilla
1 cucharadita de extracto de naranja
3/4 taza de azucar
4 cucharadas de maicena disuelta en agua

Poner en una olla todos los ingredientes, (excepto la maicena), llevar la leche a hervir lentamente y agregar de a poco la maicena, cocinar por 5 minutos, sacar del fuego y dejar enfriar.

Crema para decorar

2 tazas de pedacitos de chocolate semi dulce
1/2 taza de azucar

derretirlos juntos a Banio Maria, cuando este cremoso y sin pedazos, sacar del fuego.

Como Terminarlos

Con una *pistola para decoracion de tortas hacer un hoyo en el mini queque y rellenarlo con crema, despues poner la crema de chocolate arriba y un jelly bean de naranja en el medio, darle una pincelada con mermelada a la punta de arriba, poner azucar verde arriba y que se pegue un poco en el chocolate.

Espero que les gusten :o)

*Si no tienen pistola pueden hacer un hoyo con un lapiz y poner la crema en una bolsita para rellenar.


Cupcakes and cake

             Easter Mini-cupcakes or cake

Sorry, I cheated! this time I used Pillsbury yellow cake!

1 teaspoon of vanilla
3/4 teaspoon of orange extract
2 cups of soy, almond unsweetened or regular milk
3/4 cup of sugar
4 TB spoon of cornstarch (dissolved in 1/2 cup of water)

Heat the milk, with the vanilla orange extract, sugar. bring it to a gentle boil and add the cornstarch, cook it for 5 minutes, always stirring. Let it cool down.

2 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup of butter

Melt the chocolate and mix it with the butter, let it cool down a little before you decorate your cakes,after you put it on it'll get harder.

Putting it all together!
After the cupcakes are cold, fill them with the cream, put a little of the frosting, decorate with an orange jelly bean,put a little dot of piping gel on the top of the jelly bean and sprinkle green sugar.

for the cake cut it in half put the cream cover it with the chocolate frosting and decorate with sprinkles :0)