Flowers/ Flores
Cut the flower shape of tissue paper, color it with as many colors as you want. I chose bright colors. Then set it en a plastic plate, I used my picnic plastic table, and spray all the flowers with water. I actually used body glitter spray, so they were shine and smelled like sugar cookies :o)
After they dry, hot glue the bottom of each petal to the one next to it, it's going to have a little bubble in the middle, fill it with cotton then place a skew as a steam and hot glue it. decorate with a green ribbon.
Corten flores de papel volantin, pintenlas con todos los colores que quieran, mis favoritas son con colores fuertes. Despues poner en una base plastica, o plato, yo use mi mesa de plastico. y rociarlas con agua hasta que esten bien mojadas. Yo use un perfume para cuerpo con brillantinas con olor a galletas.
Pegar cada petalo al que esta al lado, quedara un espacio en el medio, rellenarlo con algodon, poner un palo como tallo y pegarlo con goma de pegar caliente o la gotita. Decorar con una cinta verde.
iI printed mothers quotes and I put them on the ribbon for each mom.
Decoration/ adorno
Color the coffee filters with lots of colors, spray them with water, then hot glue them to a paper globe lantern.
pintar con los marcadores el filtro de cafe, rociarlos con agua y cuando se sequen pegarlos en una lampara de papel.
I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!
Espero les gusten tanto como nos gustaron a nosotros.
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